
New Life in Spring

Last night we watched a movie about a boy who grew up in LA and eventually became the co-Easter Bunny. It was a cute story with a flying egg pulled by magical flying chicks, failed job interviews, and a second in command of the Easter Workshop who goes rogue in hopes of becoming the Easter Bunny himself. It was colorful, energetic, and non-violent...a no brainer for a Saturday night movie with the kids. There's even a scene where the Easter Bunny's son, co-Easter Bunny to be, proves to the hero that he's the Easter Bunny by "laying" jelly beans. Not sure how the FDA would feel about kids eating those! What's funny is I had two other Easter Bunny interactions this week that changed how I see our hyper-commercialized American holiday. The first instance sums up my former feels about the holiday pretty well: I'm sitting in an office where there's a TV playing something neutral and non-offensive to all customers in the corner. On comes an ad for Lindt Ch

Everlasting Promise

Things change. We get older. Our babies turn into little humans and then not babies. That device that once did everything can’t keep up a year later. Nothing in this world remains as it was. There is goodness in change. We learn the importance of a sunrise with a cup of coffee as we get older. Our little humans learn to play baseball with us. My device learns to tell me the Diamondbacks score without me even having to think about it. God designed us for change. Every human changes, even the originals. Adam, who was made fully grown, was changed when God removed his rib to make Eve. Eve, having eaten of the forbidden fruit, was changed so that her children would be brought forth through pain. On my birthday, the change that comes with age is more and more apparent to my back at dawn. God’s plan was to accustom us to change, because we must change. When Solomon finished the first temple, God came to him in the night with a message of change, a message of gladness and of warning. God shar

New Favorite Things

I have the great joy of getting to spend a ton of time with my kids right now. I especially appreciate the time I get one-on-one with my 14mo, Noah. God teaches me so much through my father-son relationship with this awesome little human. This morning we all shared a lesson that was simple, yet profound. Our home has a dinning room, but very little dinning is done there. Our table, which should be covered with tabley things, is instead covered with Bibles, notebooks, writing utensils, coloring devices, coffee mugs, sippy cups, and the occasional laptop. At any one point in time there are almost always two Woodsons reading, drawing, writing, or just scribbling furiously as we explore God's interactions with our inner minds. Not too far away from this place of imagination and understanding is a bookshelf that makes the table look organized. The bookshelf is Noah's second favorite thing, right behind the dogs. Unlike the dogs, the bookshelf cannot run away, so it bears the brun